Practices to Prepare for the End of Life
December 21, 2018/in Audio, Featured Posts, Insights and Inspiration, Mental Tools and Tips,
Radio Appearances /by Patt Lind-Kyle
In an interview with Karen Wyatt, Patt Lind-Kyle describes how a meditation practice can help decrease the fear of death and prepare you for a peaceful end of life. Patt’s discussion is a segment of End-of-Life University which provides resources and inspiration for the End-of-Life.
Death is an aspect of being human that is a taboo subject in our culture. In her latest book, Nevada City teacher and therapist Patt Lind-Kyle has advice for preparing for this inevitable transition. This week join Nancy for a conversation with the author of Embracing the End of Life: A Journey Into Dying & Awakening.

Moments with Marianne
iHeart Radio, November 27, 2017 • 47 min
Embracing The End of Life with Patt Lind-Kyle
Author and thought leader, Patt Lind-Kyle has a broad range of interests. She has taught in the academic world, created a small business, practiced as a management consultant and executive coach and has had her own private counseling practice. Patt’s research and interest in the mind/brain field led her to develop a learning style assessment company to help children and parents understand how they learn. She has been involved in the teaching and application of personality styles to individuals and organizations for the past 25 years

Healing Times Radio~Conversations with Extraordinary People
January 21, 2018/in Audio, Featured Posts, Insights and Inspiration, Interviews, Radio Appearances /by Patt Lind-Kyle
Dr Emmett Miller ~ Embracing the End of Life: A Conversation with Patt Lind-Kyle
Let me introduce you to Patt Lind-Kyle, a longtime friend of mine, who has boldly gone where a few have been willing to go, And has written an intensely needed book, Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying and Awakening. In this conversation you will learn much about Pat’s incredible journey, her long periods of silence and meditation, in some of her remarkable discoveries about how we can learn from and have our lives profoundly enriched through following this entertaining and easy to read roadmap. Patt was trained as a hospice volunteer and served patients in the Hospice Hospital of Portland, OR and Hospice of the Foothills in CA. Patt confronted the deep fear of her own death in a long meditation retreat. This experience launched a study of the dying process in preparation for her own death (although she is in no way on the verge of leaving us), and by developing personal exploratory practices about death, Patt has defined the step by step process of dying including legal, caregiving and awakening processes. Have a listen…you won’t be disappointed.

Patt Lind-Kyle, MA, is an author, teacher, therapist, speaker, and consultant. Her book Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain won the Independent Publishers Gold Medal Award and a Best Book Award from USA Book News. Patt has written a Chapter in Audacious Aging, and she is also the author of When Sleeping Beauty Wakes Up.

Patt Lind-Kyle on Conversations with Elisa Parker on KVMR Radio
February 17, 2016/in Audio, Insights and Inspiration, Interviews, Patts Events, Radio Appearances
Patt Lind-Kyle spoke about her soon to be released “Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying and Awakening” formerly entitled “From Fear to Freedom: A Guide for Life and the End of Life” on KVMR 89.5 Radio Conversations with Elisa Parker.
Patt shared perspectives on the fear and denial our culture holds around death. Patt reflects on the time in our recent history when people were born, lived and died on their own property. As people moved off the land and humans turned to mortuaries for burials, we lost our day to day familiarity with death. As we pushed death away, death became a painful experience.
From Patt’s research and meditation, she has discovered the concept of the constricted-self. The constricted-self is a state we develop in this life but not the state we move into at death. In her book Patt has found that an understanding of the process of dying releases the fear of death. The reason to release the fear allows us to live free now. Her book shows how death is a mental, spiritual and physical experience.
Through exercise, visualizations and meditations, Patt guides us to transform our relationship with death. Patt’s book is a workbook that is designed to work with families, friends and organizations to serve each other at the time of death. Once we relearn to see that death may be the most important experience in our life, it changes our day to day life.
Patt’s book “Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying and Awakening” will include a DVD of guided meditations to aid individuals and groups through awakening and preparing for death.