"What could be a sweeter, simpler, and more trustworthy route to Truth than through an adorable tiny dog? Patt Lind-Kyle’s deep relationship with her pup opened her heart as well as her mind. Allow this special story to do the same for you.” ~ Glenn Hovemann, publisher, Take Heart Publications
‘Neko and Me’ by Patt Lind-Kyle
"Patt Lind-Kyle has distilled her decades of spiritual exploration into a magical story, combining timeless wisdom with fun and fantasy. Neko and Me is a modern fairy tale that will spark the imaginations of young and old alike. “
~ Carol L. Malnor, children’s book author and former publisher of Dawn Publications
‘Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying & Awakening’
by Patt Lind-Kyle
“Forty-seven years ago Elisabeth Kubler-Ross rocked the world with her discussions on death. Her work largely led to the use of hospice. We ordinary mortals need a deeper personal journey to our own preparation for the inevitable march to that couch on which we lie down. Here is a wonderful guide.”
Clyde Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., American neurosurgeon and a pioneer in pain medicine;Founder and CEO, International Institute of Holistic Medicine; Co-founder, American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition Editor, Journal of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine; Author of Blue Print for Holistic Healing, Medical Intuition and Living Bliss
“Patt Lind-Kyle’s book, Embracing the End of Life, is perhaps the most important book about death and dying present today. It provides a map of the emotional, spiritual and pragmatic issues that can help us normalize this most important passage so that we can live our lives with more emotional intelligence, kindness, awareness and love.”
Gary Malkin, Seven-time Emmy award-winning Composer and Co-author of Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying, and Founder of WisdomoftheWorld.com.
“Embracing the End of Life” by Patt Lind-Kyle is a must have book for anyone who works with death and dying, or is interested in living a full and juicy life while alive. Patt guides you to an even deeper exploration of your own personal clearing through energy templates, exercises and meditations needed to become Awakened. Being awake is our goal, Death is the doorway to that goal, and Patt has made that exploration possible, clear and worth every moment spent in doing it now.”
Linda L. Fitch, Shamanic Teacher of Dying Consciously
“Patt Lind-Kyle has written an essential book for the universal rite of passage that each of us must eventually face — whether through loved ones who pass before us, or at the end of our own life. It is high time that the culture claims this passage in reverence, and with proper preparation. This book offers the way to create a peaceful and enlightening death—just as it should be.
Anodea Judith, Teacher of the Chakras and author of Wheels of Life.
“This is the most comprehensive and practical book on preparing to die consciously. How to prepare psychologically, spiritually and legally all presented in an approachable and usable manner. If you have any questions about healing your fear of death, read Patt’s book.”
Dale Borglum Ph.D., Spiritual counselor, Founder of The Living/Dying Project
“I am extremely impressed with Patt Lind-Kyle’s tremendous knowledge, experience, wisdom and her platform for sharing the important subject of life, death and dying with us. What Patt has done with the scope of this wisdom and application is an epic venture extraordinaire.”
Judith Aston, Founder of Aston Kinetics, Pioneer in the art and science of kinetics, Author of In Your Body On The Earth
“The fear of dying keeps countless people from living fully – as well as keeping countless others trapped in endless suffering. Embracing the End of Life will help all of us prepare joyously for the inevitable.”
Christiane Northrup, M.D., OB/Gyn physician and author of the New York Times bestsellers: Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Wellbeing, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, and The Wisdom of Menopause
“Patt Lind-Kyle gently takes our hand and walks us consciously through the death and dying process. In doing so she is a handmaiden to help us discover our true Self, and we learn that we are already the light into which we continue our journey.”
Rev. Jerry Farrell, Unity Minister and former Hospice Chaplain
'Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain'
by Patt Lind-Kyle
Library Journal
Lind-Kyle, Patt. Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain: Applying the Exciting New Science of Brain Synchrony for Creativity, Peace and Presence. Energy Psychology. Oct. 2009. c.253p. illus. ISBN 978-1-60415-056-8. $26.95 with audio CD. PSYCH
A therapist, trainer, and longtime meditator, Lind-Kyle (When Sleeping Beauty Wakes Up) writes superbly about the relationship between meditation and the brain. Dividing her book into two sections, she begins with an in-depth scientific discussion of the anatomy of the brain, its evolution, and how our thought processes work. Using an electroencephalograph, Lind-Kyle has been able to measure and monitor mind states and identify when brain waves are out of balance. She presents brain research that shows how meditation can reshape the nature of the mind. In Part 2, readers will find detailed discussion of how using mind-training techniques can help them access the centers of the brain in order to bring about change in their mindset and thought patterns. With the use of a meditation CD, the author leads readers through several meditation techniques. VERDICT For those who just want to learn how to meditate, there are other books, e.g., Paul Wilson’s Finding the Quiet, that will satisfy. For those who also want to know why it works, this book is a great resource.
Phyllis Goodman, West Chester Lib., OH
“Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain is fascinating, practical, and absolutely essential for everyone, but especially aging baby boomers. Everyone should know what’s in this book.”
Christiane Northrup, MD
Author of The Secret Pleasures of Menopause (Hay House, 2008), Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom (Bantam 2006)
“A brilliant journey through the brain-mind, by a courageous traveler who knows the territory first hand. A must read for any serious explorer of Consciousness.”
Alberto Villoldo PhD, Author of Shaman, Healer, Sage
“Neuroscience’s insights into the plasticity of the brain are often heady—and often equally confusing—for the lay reader. And, even if people are familiar with the research, they usually do not know how to apply the findings in their daily lives. This book digests the past ten years of brain/mind research and helps people make transformative breakthroughs. With specific exercises and practices, brain/mind/meditations, and nutritional information, Patt Lind shows us how to access our inner world to reduce stress, balance emotions, open creativity, and reunite the psyche with the soul. Well-written and groundbreaking.”
Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, best selling authors of The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types.
“Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain: Applying the Exciting New Science of Brain Synchrony for Creativity, Peace and Presence was a pleasure to read. Having spent the last forty years researching the brain’s connection to mind, and elucidating the important role of brain wave phase synchrony to consciousness, I was pleased to read how our new knowledge can change one’s life in many ways. Mental training exercises lead to a new way of being in the world. The author writes in an easy to read, entertaining style. If you have interest in meditation of any kind, this is the book for you.”
Les Fehmi, Ph.D. Author of The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body
“Patt Lind-Kyle has accomplished a remarkable feat, bringing together fascinating neuroscience and effective Self-development tools in the same book. Add to that her warmth, wisdom, and clinical skill and you have a refreshing joy of a read to boot! Bravo.”
Emmett Miller MD. Author of Deep Healing and Our Culture on the Couch
“In Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain, Patt Lind-Kyle shares a treasure trove of wisdom and practical guidance that will allow anyone to quiet their mind, reconnect with their inner guidance, and make the kinds of choices and decisions that will allow them to lead a healthier, happier and more meaningful personal and professional lives. We are delighted to use Patt’s book as an integral part of our consulting and coaching practice.”
Joyce Dowdall, Managing Partner, Generative Leadership Group
“Discoveries in cutting edge brain research—known as neuroplasticity—have opened doors to our greatest potential for healing, learning, refining and expanding most of the body-mind functions directed by our brains. This new book, Patt Lind-Kyle’s second, explains this science in down-to-earth terms, and describes simple exercises by which we can each reap its amazing benefits in our own lives. Whether your goal is to find greater peace of mind, to refine a present skill, or to master a brand new body of knowledge, you’ll find this book invaluable. The author’s discussions of the implications of this new science, as well as its applications in our lives, are as practical as they are informative. A must-read for anyone interested in creating a better life.”
Hal Zina Bennett, Ph.D, Author of The Lens of Perception: A User’s Guide to Higher Consciousness
“Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain is a rich, beautifully conceived book, which combines science and meditation in a thought provoking and understandable fashion! Patt Lind-Kyle explains why meditation works and how to use it effectively. For all of us who need answers to the whys of meditation, this is THE book to read. For those of you who are skeptical about the benefits of meditation, this book will put an end to your skepticism. It is exquisitely written and opens new doors to one’s soul…..a remarkable piece!”
Elisa Bongiovanni, JD, and Corporate Counsel
“In her inimitable style Patt Lind-Kyle addresses brain wave pattern synchrony, and its harmonization, with insight and courage. Moving with directness and kindness toward those new to the ideas, she embraces readers with ease and imagination. She has the knack of making ideas come alive, and she conquers large concepts step by step… all with manageable language and logic. And, her story makes sense instantly. Focused on meditation as mind training, Patt’s experiences ring true; her authenticity is palpable. Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain is a first rate approach to the whys, wherefores, and hows that can contribute to manifesting creativity, peace, and presence in the world.”
A. Harris Stone, Ed.D, Founder and Chancellor, The Graduate Institute of Connecticut and served as Chair of the Education Department at Southern Connecticut State University (CT) and at Sacred Heart University (CT)
“Heal You Mind, Rewire Your Brain is a powerful owner’s manual for your brain and mind, complete with a “Mental Tool Chest” to help free us from the stress and suffering of habitual negative emotional patterning. These written and audio CD mental training practices provide nothing short of a scientific and practical roadmap to peace, happiness and mind/body freedom.
Author, Patt Lind-Kyle takes us by the hand on a fascinating tour of the brain’s architecture and physiology. She inspires us and shows us what is possible by the regular practice of mental training and meditation. Her empowering message is that we actually do have the ability to rewire our brains for greater health and well-being.”
Brian J. Breiling, Psy.D Psychotherapist, Coach, and Author/Editor Light Years Ahead: The Illustrated Guide to Full Spectrum and Colored Light in Mindbody Healing (Celestial Arts, 1996)
“What a delightful read! Patt Lind-Kyle beautifully weaves together in a very understandable way not only the latest knowledge in brain research but combines this with her intensive experience in meditation and deep commitment to giving the reader practical exercises that make a difference. Heal Your Mind, Rewire the Brain allows you to experience peace, stillness, and a renewed creativity and delight with your life.”
Linda Fitch, Executive Director The Four Winds Society and Dean of the Healing the Light Body School
“Although the brain has always had a remarkably ability to heal itself and to adapt to new situations, the science of neuroplasticity has finally emerged to prove the ultimate human potential. Thinking sets in motion spiritual forces to bring about change. Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain provides practical tools to assist you in your own personal evolution towards peace and health.”

Magazine Reviews
Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain: Applying the Exciting New Science of Brain Synchrony for Creativity, Peace and Presence Patt Lind-Kyle Energy Psychology Press (2009) ISBN 9781604150568
Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (7/09)
In “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain,” the author utilizes her education and research about the brain, and her own personal experiences with meditation to share her knowledge with us. In addition to discussing the scientific perspectives involving brain-mind functioning, she also adds her own personal reflections about her extensive experiences with meditation. She tells us, “The more you change your mind, the more you change your brain. The more your brain changes, the more your mind evolves.” The brain can evolve and adapt. This has already been proven in the history of our own evolution.
The author notes that we are in a time where we are experiencing extreme stress. This stress can cause a negative impact on our quality of life and our health. While we are going through these tough times, it is very important that we learn how to train our minds so that we can release ourselves from stress to become more creative, happy and at peace. Training our mind to overcome our fears will play a huge role in this process. “When all brain waves are in synchronicity, your attitude is constantly positive.”
The book is divided into two sections. Part I discusses “The Brain’s Story.” Part II covers “Meditation as Mind Technology.” At the end of the book is an extensive bibliography. I was also really excited to see a list of CDs or MP3 downloads that are available to help with the meditations.
I don’t really know how to meditate. I have tried it on my own and here and there at functions. The best way for me to relax myself has always been to exhaust myself physically. Well I am pretty tired. It was really exciting for me to read “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain,” because everything that I need to know on how to meditate is explained to me and I also have a better understanding of how my brain works. This includes both the rhythms and the chemicals of the brain. I really think that the CDs can assist me in this process. By reading this book, Patt Lind-Kyle has really stimulated my interest in the mind-brain connection, and how I can use it to relax my thoughts. I highly recommend reading “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain!”
Newspaper Reviews
‘Audacious Aging’ contributor to appear in Chico
Chico Enterprise-Record Chico, CA, June 11, 2009, Section: Entertainment
by Dan Barnett
Patt Lind-Kyle, born in 1937, has been a dental hygienist, health science professor and psychotherapist. Throughout her careers she has honed the art of meditation and writes that “I now have an audacious passion for working with individuals and groups in silence.” Her essay, “Building Community from the Inside Out,” is included in “Audacious Aging” ($29.95 in hardcover from Elite Books), an anthology edited by Stephanie Marohn. A resident of Nevada County, Lind-Kyle will be appearing from 2-4 p.m. June 27 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Chico.
She writes in her contribution that two decades ago she was hit with chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors were of little help; “I had to discover how to heal myself. Through many starts and stops, I discovered how to do so by focusing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of my life … using meditation to remove the negative thoughts about myself and help bring my body back into a natural balance.” “Mind,” she writes, “heals the mind.”
“Audacious Aging” features more than three dozen chapters, some drawn on previously published sources, some from well-known figures, to help readers, in the words of the editor, “rise to the challenge of transforming our society from a youth/appearance-worshiping culture into one that fosters the values of the heart, supports the evolution of consciousness, and leaves to future generations a legacy of which we can be wildly proud.” Contributors include Deepak Chopra, Helen Gurley Brown, George McGovern, Andrew Weil, Gloria Steinem and Patch Adams (described as “a political activist for ending capitalism and creating a value system based on compassion and generosity.”)
Lind-Kyle writes that meditation can help “change habitual patterns, reduce stress reactions” and enable those “sitting together in silence” to create trust and “build a community of heart from the inside out.” (Her forthcoming book is called “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain.”)
Though I’m less sanguine than the editor about the transformative potential of the approaches chronicled in the book, I imagine readers will agree with Marohn when she writes that “many baby boomers thought the revolution would take place in the Sixties. Now they are awakening to the reality that it may take place in their sixties!”
Dan Barnett teaches philosophy at Butte College, Oroville, CA, where he coordinates TMI (Technology Mediated Instruction). For more than 20 years he has authored the weekly “Biblio File” book review column for the Chico Enterprise-Record.
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