Videos & Guided Meditations
Meditation is an expansive and stabilizing process for healing our minds, rewiring our brains and opening to life.

Learning how to prepare to die is learning how to live fully now!

The Two Parts of Embracing the End of Life Videos
For a short overview of Patt's book 'Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying and Awakening', listen as Patt describes the two major parts of the book.
Part I: Embracing is bowing to the honor of a very natural cycle
Patt notes that “embracing” is “holding, accepting, caring for, preparing for, … embracing is honoring death as a very natural cycle.”
Part II: The Journey to Dying and Awakening – the Journey to Freedom
Patt describes A Journey into Dying and Awakening as the Journey to Freedom. Listen as Patt highlights the path to freedom and insights from the Dalai Lama on preparing for death.
“My wish for you ~ a most beautiful experience, one you have been wanting all your life.”
Patt shares her sincerest wish for each of us as we prepare for our own dying process
through her book and work.
Embracing End of Life Guided Meditation to expand Part II: A Journey to Freedom Bonus Videos

Patt Lind-Kyle’s book: Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying and Awakening (Llewelyn Publications, September 2017:Revised Version 2022) includes instructions for a series of guided meditations designed to support readers in personally integrating the wisdom of her work.
Patt has created a series of meditation videos to expand and complement those woven through the book. The video meditations are offered as a free bonus to be used individually or in group settings.
Listen to Patt discuss how to use the meditation videos.
To watch the color of the video as you listen to the guided questions have your eyes half open. Turn your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. Remember also that the sound in the background is the frequency of the particular color you are watching.

The Separation Journey

The Journey of Reactions

The Journey of Control

The Journey of Self Identity

The Path To Freedom

Gamma – Integration Meditation
Frequencies of the True Self (Gamma) A guided meditation by Patt Lind-Kyle. This bonus meditation video expands Part II: A Journey to Freedom of Patt's book, Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying & Awakening.