Rated #1,2,3 in the Major Children’s Book categories and #1 in Children’s Dog Stories on Amazon!
Patt’s Newest Book:
’Neko and Me: The Secret of Who I Am and What is My Purpose?’
Neko and Me is an inspirational, illustrated tale of Spiritual Transformation. This book, which has won a Gold Medal from the Global Book Awards in her category, is a magical tale of Patt and her dog, Neko, exploring and discovering not only the core questions of life but also the underlying spiritual dimensions of existence and reality.
The design of the story starts with Patt and Neko taking a walk through the woods near their house. At some point on the walk they go through a magical doorway on the path that launches the tale. The tale is an adventure, has comic moments and surprises for the reader.
The tale is heightened by Neko who is able to talk and teach Patt as they go through a series of adventures. It is a whimsical tale with terrific illustrations.
Purchase through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, your local bookstore.

Neko and Me available now in Spanish!
Neko y Yo: ¿Por qué estoy aquí y cuál es mi propósito? es un inspirador cuento ilustrado de Transformación Espiritual. Este libro es un relato mágico de Patt y su perro, Neko, explorando y descubriendo las preguntas fundamentales de la vida y las dimensiones espirituales subyacentes de la existencia y la realidad.

"What could be a sweeter, simpler, and more trustworthy route to Truth than through an adorable tiny dog? Patt Lind-Kyle’s deep relationship with her pup opened her heart as well as her mind. Allow this special story to do the same for you.”
~ Glenn Hovemann, publisher, Take Heart Publications

"Delightful! This sweet and uplifting tale for children conveys the core truths we all need to guide us through life. These include the importance of being present to each moment, of gratitude, love, compassion and wisdom. Gently engaging for children of all ages!"
David Michie, Internationally best-selling author of The Dalai Lama’s Cat
Amazon Book Reviews
"Such a blessing to share with my daughter! My daughter, Bella, who just turned 12 on 11/11 read this book to me the other evening and we both thoroughly enjoyed the lovely story! We had some wonderful discussion, both shed a few tears, and decided we just had to let everyone know how much gratitude we have for Patt's wisdom and the delightful story she used to share it with us." 5 out 5 Stars
"This is beautiful message for children and all. This is a heart warming, special book helping children (and all of us) to understand energy from a di;erent perspective, and how love and trust andallowing are the keys to the kingdom. Many thanks Patt for bringing this forward with SO much love.....what a gift!" 5 out of 5 Stars
“This is a wonderful, fun book with sensitive drawings and a heartfelt story. It uses a dog, Neko, as a central character to explore the wonder of being. At times there are more advanced concepts expressed for the adult children reading the book, but the drawings and the feeling nature of the writing keep the book rooted in a child's world of wonder."
5 out of 5 Stars
“Patt and Neko's journey delivers important spiritualmessages in a light-hearted, magical way. For adults, it's a delightful book that summarizes universal truths. For kids and grandkids, it's a fun story that opens the door to conversations about what's really important in life. A wonderful great gift!” 5 out 5 Stars
Other Books by Patt Lind-Kyle
Embracing the End of Life:
A Journey into Dying & Awakening
When you work with your resistance to death on emotional and spiritual levels, you learn to awaken more fully to life and you experience death as a transcendent, awe-inspiring stage of existence. Now in audible too!
Heal your Mind, Rewire Your Brain
Yes, you can teach your old brain new tricks! The aim of the book is to provide an overview of scientific perspectives on the brain/mind and to show the reader how to personally evolve one’s own brain and how this can change one’s life in any direction they desire.
Audacious Aging
Patt is a contributor in an anthology, Audacious Aging with her chapter entitled “Building Community from the Inside Out” (Elite Books, 2009). In this extended essay Patt addresses how we build a kind of community that affects the human spirit and helps us in the aging process through meditation and caring for each other.
When Sleeping Beauty Wakes Up
Healing begins with personal empowerment – whether the disease is of body, mind, psyche, or spirit. One of the greatest forms of empowerment comes when we meet another person who has lived through a disease similar to our own and has come full circle back to health and wholeness. In audible too.