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Patt released a CD of her best guided meditations to go with her book Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying and Awakening.
Patt also created a set of free bonus videos to accompany Part II of Embracing the End of Life. Please click Embracing the End of Life Meditations videos to view them.
These six (6) mindfulness meditations are from the book Embracing the End of Life: A Journey into Dying & Awakening. The recordings are designed to guide you into a deeper meditation experience. The meditations may be replayed many times in order to release the resistance to death and become open to being awake and vital in your life now.
Within the music background are binaural beats which are specific brainwave patterns. The binaural beats aid you in deepening the meditation while maintaining a high level of concentration and awareness. At the beginning of each meditation I describe its purpose and relationship to the material in the book. These meditations come from the first part of the book: How to Prepare for Your Death. In the second part of the book, The Journey to Freedom: A Guide to Life, there are 16 video recordings to assist you in the journey of awakening.
Patt explains, “Mindfulness is a way of paying attention and of being aware of the present moment. During these mindfulness meditations I gently guide you to bring your complete attention to the present experience, non-judgmentally moment-to-moment, observe what is occurring and let it go.”

For maximum benefit from these brain-wave meditations, use these 2 companion CDs with Patt’s book, “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain.” The book includes more information about the meditations and also includes areas for journaling after your meditations. Listen to these companion CDs to train your mind to go into deeper meditative states. Binaural beat pulsations in the background of each track increase the effectiveness of the meditations. They will also rapidly increase your mental and emotional stability and support the rewiring of your brain.
More about binaural beats: The use of binaural beats began with Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, a Prussian physicist and meteorologist, who in 1839, discovered that when two different frequency signals are heard, one in each ear, the brain detects phase differences between these signals. The brain’s response is to create a third, binaural beat within the olivary nucleus, or “inner-ear.” The difference between the two frequencies must be small (below about 30Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately and no beat will be perceived. This third, binaural beat enhances your ability to move into each brain-wave meditation more easily and more deeply. It also help you relax your body, bringing focus and concentration to each brain-wave meditation session.
These binaural beats, paired with the mental tools of intention, attention, reflection and awareness enhance the brain’s ability to go into “synchrony” and thus rewire your brain for peace, health and well-being.
In each meditation track on these CDs, there are binaural beats that correspond to the particular brain waves for that meditation. As I guide you through the meditation, you may find listening to binaural beats can be relaxing or stimulating at times, depending on the frequency of the beat. Binaural beats in the Beta frequency range have been associated with reports of increased concentration, alertness, vividness and clarity. Binaural beats in the Alpha frequency range can improve concentration and memory. Binaural beats in the Theta and Delta ranges are associated with reports of deepened, relaxed creativity and deeper meditative states. For more detailed information, please read my book, “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain” and visit At the website, you may also sign up to experience brain-wave guided meditations during my live tele-seminars and retreats.
There reaches a point in your development of meditation when it would be beneficial not to have the verbal guidance that I provide with each brain wave frequency. This CD has just the music for each brain frequency with the binaural beats imbedded into the music. As you begin using this CD I recommend you refer to my book, Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain, especially to each brain wave chapter noting how to create your own unique “Mind Marker” for each frequency. By noting the quality of your mind in each brain frequency it will assist you in making the shift from a guided meditation to following your own internal flow of meditation. Listen to these companion CDs to train your mind to go into deeper meditative states.